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Paying Attention to Google

Cafepress Sitelinks

Ok, for anyone involved in the web, it is hard not to pay attention to Google. But humour me for a moment. With all the noise generated by the antitrust brouha, Google+ and the like, it would be easy to miss stuff like this. Sitelinks, visual ads, local ads, social ads … very, very important […]

Small Business Websites and SEO

This post provides an excellent summary of what is required for a small business website: SEO Checklist for Local Small Business Websites If you’ve been thinking SEO is arcane and complex, the emphasis on simple and clear business thinking is really worth noting. A site put together using this approach makes sense to people – […]

What makes a website more credible

I really like Gary Robinson’s post: 5 ways to make your site credible and increase conversions I’d add to Gary’s five points that people are wired to trust other people. So personalising a website can make it easier for people to trust you. By personalising, I mean associating it with the people who run the […]

Coming Soon – Google Instant

Coming soon to your Google search experience: Google Instant. There is a good left brain video explanation of Google Instant in the link to Google above. If you prefer the right brain version, run the YouTube video below.

How Google Search works

Aaron Wall is an expert on search. And Google. If you want to understand how Google search works, go through this diagram in detail. This is the introductory post on Aaron’s SEOBook.com blog: How Does Google Work (http://www.seobook.com/how-does-google-work). And the diagram (follow link to diagram at bottom of diagram if you want to link to […]

Writing Search Engine Friendly Titles for your Posts and Web Pages

Have you ever searched on Google for something and noticed page titles like this: Page titles that load (or stuff) keywords into the title don’t work as well as page titles that use relevant keywords written in a natural way – for readers. You might not notice this effect where there is little or no […]

Twitter vs Google for business websites

When it comes to sending traffic to business websites, Google is the 800lb gorilla. A recent chart post from eMarketer looks at the loyalty of visitors from social media sites: Loyal visitors but small share from social sites. But in the same post, it quotes some information sourced from Chikita about the overall volume of […]

How Search Engines See Links

If you are putting some effort into building up the number of links to your website, you may be interested to learn more about how search engines see links. Not all links are created equally. In some cases there are technical reasons why search engines may not pick up on a link that you might […]

Writing titles for AdWords advertisements

When you are running an AdWords campaign you get to display a short ad that is triggered when specific keywords are searched. The amount you bid and the Quality Score assigned to your ad determine where your ad appears and how much you pay for each click. An AdWords ad has limits on the number […]

Bing off to a good start

I haven’t been paying much attention to Bing, Microsoft’s new entrant in the search engine race. After all, taking on Google in search … But a curious thing has been happening. I get to see analytics for quite a few different websites. I’ve noticed that for a lot of sites, Bing seemed to have either […]