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What makes a website more credible

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I really like Gary Robinson’s post: 5 ways to make your site credible and increase conversions

I’d add to Gary’s five points that people are wired to trust other people. So personalising a website can make it easier for people to trust you. By personalising, I mean associating it with the people who run the business.

Businesses should definitely consider investing in the services of a professional graphic designer. It might cost more upfront, but Gary hit the nail on the head when he identified appearance as a critical influencer in how a site converts.

If you are in a competitive market, why would you settle for anything less than an excellent designer who can help you with the following:

  • Brand: express your brand identity with clarity and consistency
  • Simplicity: make it easy for your visitors to find what they are looking for and enquire or buy from you
  • Emotion: communicate not just with facts and figures but emotion

It is often a designer’s experience and judgement that can create that elusive ‘clean and simple’ experience while improving business results through better conversion.