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Upgrading to WordPress 2.7

Reading Time: 2 minutes

WordPress 2.7 has just been released. James is doing some testing on the upgrade and will apply it to all OM4 sites soon as the testing is finished.

There are a lot of new features that you will notice when using your dashboard that will make it faster and easier to update your website:

  • overall you can complete tasks faster (less clicks)
  • the Page Editor is customisable so you can put the buttons you use most frequently where you want them
  • your dashboard can be arranged with drag and drop
  • comments are now threaded and you can reply to comments from your dashboard

I’ve included a link to the WordPress video at the end of this post if you want to see a demonstration.

When we first started working with WordPress it was relatively new. Some people looked at me a bit strangely when they asked what we were building our web platform on and I said WordPress. Even if they had heard of it, it was open source, and not everyone gets the idea of open source.

WordPress has proven to be an exceptional platform for business websites.

One reason is that it is used by so many people. Over 3 million people downloaded version 2.6 (to install on their own server), and almost 5 million blogs run on WordPress via WordPress.com. With such a large user community, bugs get ironed out quickly. One of the more popular WordPress plugins has been downloaded almost a million times.

According to WordPress, for release 2.7 “over 150 people contributed code directly to the release, our highest ever, with many tens of thousands more participating in the polls, surveys, tests, mailing lists, and other feedback mechanisms the WordPress dev team used in putting this release together.”

So in hindsight, choosing to build our business website platform on WordPress looks like a pretty good decision. By running on WordPress, you will continue to benefit from the R&D and testing that goes into the platform, and we can focus on configuring it to work as a platform to run a small business online.